Let me be vulnerable here, as I often do.
As a coach it’s important for me to be transparent with those I serve - give them the “not so pretty picture” of my life as well as the side that serves me well. I certainly can’t claim to help those whose shoes I have not walked in. I am indeed still on my own healing journey and probably always will be, so it doesn’t serve anyone for me to paint a picture of my life that looks perfect. I can offer up the painful stuff then share my solution for releasing it, overcoming it, and growing from it.
So let me be vulnerable here. My inner child fears abandonment, being left behind, being forgotten, and being left out. I felt those things this weekend. Actually, I’ve been feeling them a lot lately, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.
I think people don’t always understand what doing “inner child work” really means or what to expect until they find a practice or tool that enables them to release the pain and fear. For me, it’s always energy work that helps heal my inner child wounds.
Healing sound baths are practices that I do regularly that I have noticed help me to release tough emotions. By letting yourself be and allowing the vibrations from the different sounds balance your chakras, “stuff” seems to come to the surface out of nowhere. I often find myself welling up in tears towards the end of my practice. The energy in my body can feel a bit overwhelming in the beginning, but then there is this release towards the end of the class that leaves me feeling calm and grounded. (I know, you’re thinking orgasmic - but not quite 😜).
I pay close attention to what’s coming up - sensations, emotions and the thoughts running through my head. They’re often very random, but they have meaning. And lately it’s been this feeling of being isolated and left out.
Daily Om offers a great variety of classes and meditations that I often buy. This week they offered a series of seven healing sound baths that I could do right here at home. Last night’s practice was extremely beneficial and I felt myself soothing my inner child and showing her love. That’s really all inner child work is - showing that side of yourself love and acceptance. Sometimes even hugging yourself is enough to create a shift.
I love sharing what works for me. And If you’d like to hear more, download my free starter guide for caregivers - but it can work for anyone who’s looking to try something new and take some first initial steps. The download can be found right on this page.
In the meantime, if you want to know how to get in touch with your inner child, please reach out to me. I would love to teach you how.